Powerlifting Program


  • Product Description

      Designed to improve your Benchpress, Deadlift, and Squat.

      The 8-week program includes your main lifts - Back Squat, Bench Press, Deadlift - with plenty of strength and accessory work to improve these lifts.


      You will need access to conventional gym equipment.

      Each session will last between 45 minutes to one hour

Customer Reviews

Based on 11 reviews
Nic Roberts
Great program that just works

Was able to increase my 1RM on bench press by 20lbs, squat by 30lbs and deadlift by 40 lbs after 8 week program!

Bryan C
Powerlifting Program

While I’m not using it for prepare for competitions this ist an amazing program. I’ve seen my strength increase quick utilizing this program. Would 100% recommend

The Gains are Evidence Enough

I started Derek's Powerlifting program after completing his Classic program and I am thoroughly satisfied with the results. After completing the 8th week I had increased my bench to 300lbs, my squat to 370 and my Deadlift to 465. I have never been stronger in my big 3 lifts in my life. The Epley Formula was decently accurate as well with a 96% accuracy for what I tested and what I was actually able to rep for one.

James Wagster
Love it

Hey folks, I have bought and completed a few of these programs that Derek has to offer. I’m always impressed with how well they work for me. Give it a go!

Torey Feldhaus
Premature rating a few minor/major technical problems

We’ll have to see how the plan actually works on strength numbers. Most of the plan is decent. Few errors on it. When it comes to deadlift days it’s missing what percentage we are supposed to work at. This is on the week 3 day 3 portion and beyond. It appears that those days are dedicated DL days. Since they are 10x3- 10x1 in the following weeks I’m assuming 90-95% 1rm range. And for a DL with a 2s pause below the knee, are we not letting the bar actually touch the ground? We’ll see how the plan works and based on that the rating could go up or down, but due to the few technical errors I’ll give it a 4 star for now.